Sun, Jun 04, 23.

Psalms 68-69

  1. The Bible emphasizes punishment for those who hate God [KJVPsa 68:1]. God is seeking those who love Him.
    1. The Law of Moses was a test to see who loves God.
    2. The New Covenant is the same.
    3. Even Job’s test was a test to see if he loved God.
      1. This can be seen in the fact that God took away everything from Job to see if Job would still serve Him. If that was not a test of love, then what is?
    4. God’s name is JAH (YAH) [KJVPsa 68:4].
    5. God only destroys those who continue in their sins, not those who just sin once [Psa 68:21].

Notes from Psalm 69

  1. God turned Israel’s table to retribution [Psa 69:22]. This is why, when they gather in worship, all they see is error.
  2. Israel was punished because with error for crucifying Jesus.
  3. Singing praises to God is more than offering an Ox or a Bull [Psa 69:30-31].
  4. Words are also persecution [Psa 69:26]
  5. God is in control of sin. Jesus asks God to make the sinners sin thoroughly, so that it is ensured that they do not enter the Kingdom [Psa 69:27].
  6. Those who crucified Jesus had their names removed from the Book of Life [Psa 69:28].
  7. The Israelites had their names in the Book of Life, but had it removed because they crucified Jesus.

Message Notes

  1. Sins do not have to physically hurt anyone for them to be sin. The case of the golden Calf makes it clear; the worship of the golden calf brought no physical hurt to anyone, but God was offended by it.
  2. It is satanic to wait to understand God’s commands before obeying them, or to question God – not for understanding – but out of rebellion.
    1. This can be seen in Satan when he refused to trust God’s claim that Job was righteous, and needed proof, before he would accept.
  3. Murder is wrong because to murder man is to murder the one made in God’s image.
    1. If the name of a man is attacked, then the man is attacked. A man will not claim that it is just words, and he has not been harmed by the insults; he will get offended, because to attack his name is to attack the man.
    2. To tear up a picture (an image) of a man does no harm to the man, but no man would find it funny if people spat at, or tore up, or did any kind of damage to a picture of him.
    3. When an idol (image) is made to represent God, it is an insult to Him. To worship idols is to call God useless like idols
    4. Jesus is the only image of God that men are commanded to worship, because He is the exact representation of the Father.
  4. If the kingdom of God had come while Israel was in the wilderness – after the covenant had been made with them – they would have made it into the Kingdom, because their names were in the Book of Life [Exo 32:32].
  5. However, those who do not keep God’s commands and sin, their names would be blotted out [Exo 32:33].
  6. In the same way, Christians are saved after entering into covenant with Jesus (i.e., they believe in and receive Jesus) also have their names in the Book of Life. However, if they do not keep His ways, their names will be blotted out.
  7. We are to learn God’s words to do them.
  8. We learn to do, so that we may live and inherit the Kingdom [Deu 4:1].
  9. In the scriptures, guilt is not a feeling of guilt, but actual legal guilt. If a man does not feel guilty after committing a murder, he is no less guilty than the man who feels guilty for the same crime.
  10. It is sin against God that gets one’s name blotted out of the Book of Life [Exo 32:33]
    1. There are sins that are not directly against God. A sin against a brother or sister is not exactly the same as a sin against God (such as Idolatry).
    2. However, on some level, all sin is a sin against God, because God also commands not to sin against our brothers. So if we sin against our brothers - in a certain sense – we are also sinning against God.
  11. The first resurrection is sure salvation from the 2nd death [Rev 20:4-6].